ReFox can also be controlled externally by a .MAK file and passing this filename as a parameter when starting ReFox.
ReFox returns ExitCode=1 if any problem detected when processing makefile.
This command line use allows, for example, the application branding to be automated without user intervention, so it can be included into a batch process or launched from from Visual FoxPro.
Makefile commands:
set <option>=<value>
- branding level III options,
- see setting for more information
- decompilation
split [0|1|2]
- separation and regeneration
compare [text]
- comparison
brand [1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 or i | i+ | ii | ii+ | iii or A] [{JCAL | LZMA | ZLIB}:N/N]
- protection of selected level,
- see setting for more information
pwd password
- password
plb password
- password .PLB
input X:\dir_1\...\dir_n\
- input (source) directory
output X:\dir_1\...\dir_n\
- output (target) directory
- input = home, output = target
ver [ 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ]
- Visual FoxPro version
files filename.ext
- filemask (e.g. T*.exe)
- ReFox works in background
wait [”message”]
- stop and show message
echo [ON | OFF]
- display the commands in REPORT window
quit [report.lst]
- finish, save REPORTs in the file
* <asterisk>
- comments
example: refox.mak
echo ON
i c:\test
o c:\test\branded
file anyname.exe
[set option=value]*
pw password
brand III
quit refox.log
example: refox.bat
@echo off
ReFox.exe @refox.mak
if errorlevel 1 goto ERROR
if errorlevel 0 goto SUCCESS
echo ReFox failed ...
type refox.log
exit /b 1
echo done ok
exit /b 0